Story-Tell: Sitting Down with the Owner of The Sustainable Shop, Joyfull


Welcome back to EL’s “Story-tell” series! Our goal is to provide our readers with perspective on company culture, brand growth and overall experience as an entrepreneur. From scrappy beginnings to today — it’s time to be inspired!

We recently had the opportunity to connect with our friend Lauren, owner of Joyfull, a zero waste shop with sustainable products and bulk refills. She just hit a significant milestone recently by expanding her business with opening her first brick and mortar location behind Cultivate in the Riverside neighborhood of Jacksonville, FL.

Keep reading to learn more about Lauren’s journey and how this amazing local business got started. Let’s get to it!

Lauren, owner of Joyfull at the grand opening of her new store: 2766 Park St., Suite 1, Jacksonville, FL

Lauren, owner of Joyfull at the grand opening of her new store: 2766 Park St., Suite 1, Jacksonville, FL


Q: Can you tell us about your transition from working as an attorney to building Joyfull?

A: My transition from attorney to small business owner was definitely not planned. I worked as an attorney for a large corporation for a few years, but never truly felt fulfilled. I ended up leaving towards the end of my pregnancy for various reasons and was a stay-at-home mom for almost two years. For me, timing was everything. Part of the reason I started a zero-waste refill shop is because I wanted somewhere to refill. I was sick of the amount of waste we were creating. At the time, Jacksonville didn’t really have a one-stop shop for liquid bulk refills. I wanted to phase out my single-use plastic containers, like my hand and dish soap bottles, and the first thing I did was ask some friends if they wanted to purchase large bulk amounts and split it. The more I spoke with people, the more I realized that I was not alone in wanting a refillery. I thought - either I could sit around and wait for someone else to do it, or I could build up the courage and give it a go. 


Q: What advice would you give to someone who is considering leaving a 9-5 to pursue a passion project?

A: Just get started on your passion project. Even if that means continuing to work your 9-5 and slowly setting up your business. Start doing research, build your network, and do the groundwork to get your project going. If you take the initial steps and see some progress that can help you decide whether you’re ready to go all in.  


Q: What drew you to the zero waste lifestyle? 

A: I think I’ve always had an inclination to try and not be wasteful, and I think that stems more from having spent a lot of time as a child in a developing country. It really made me think about all of the things we throw away that could be used by someone else. When I had my daughter, I became even more aware of our use and consumption and started focusing on more sustainable swaps. 


Q: Why should people make sustainability a priority?

A: We have a tendency to extract and consume all of the natural resources around us and forget about how fortunate we are to even have access to them. Sustainability is key to ensuring that the planet is nurtured and healthy for future generations. The earth provides so much for us, it’s time to do our part and start taking care of the earth. 


Q: What are some misconceptions about living a zero waste lifestyle that you’d like to debunk?

A: That you don’t have to live a truly zero-waste life to make a difference. It’s not all or nothing. The goal is progress. If that means making one or two changes in your life, we support you. We want to help you on this journey towards a more sustainable life. In the end, if that means you are simply more conscious about what you’re purchasing and using then you’re doing a great job. 


Q: We’re so excited for your first brick and mortar store to open! Can you tell us how it’s going and where you’ll be opening? What led you to choose this particular location?

A: It’s going great! We’ve put in a lot of hard work these past few weeks, but our soft opening was a big success. The best part was our customers excitement. We are officially open for business on Friday, April 23. We’re located right behind Cultivate in Riverside at 2766 Park St., Suite 1, Jacksonville, FL 32205, and we’ll be open Wed/Fri from 11am-5pm and Sat/Sun from 10am-2pm. 


Q: What types of products will be available at your store?

A: We carry a variety of plastic-free alternatives for household products, as well as bulk refills for a variety of soaps and cleaners. We encourage customers to bring their own containers and fill up on necessities like hand soap, dish soap, and laundry detergents. You’ll also find a variety of sustainable and/or compostable products such as bamboo dish brushes and plastic-free makeup and deodorant.


Q: How do you stay motivated as an entrepreneur when you’re feeling overwhelmed or exhausted?

A: As a mother of a two-year old, finding balance can be difficult. For me, it’s really important to set boundaries for myself, and be honest about my ability (or inability!) to do everything well all the time. I have so many ideas I would like to bring to life, but I know realistically that’s not an option at the moment. My daughter is my top priority, and if that means setting limits at work then that’s what I do. For example, the shop will be open just 4 days a week because that’s what is feasible right now. Don’t be afraid to set your own boundaries. I’ve found that the people who want to support you, will continue to support you and respect those decisions. 


Q: Entwine is a lifestyle + retail-focused Commercial Real Estate Company. Our jam is to make authentic connections + undo the ordinary. What are some specific ways you strive to “undo the ordinary”?

A: Often, the “ordinary” for a lot of people is to just do what is most convenient or easiest, because let’s be honest, it can be difficult to juggle daily life. My goal is to help people “slow” down for a moment, so that we can be more present. Whether that means you take an extra moment to be more conscious about a purchasing decision or to think about what you’re throwing away – that’s all I can hope for. Even taking a moment to talk to and connect with members of the community is what promotes change.


Q: Inquisitive minds want to know, if you had a crystal ball where would you like to see Joyfull’s growth in the next 5-10 years?

A: I guess only time will tell! My goal at the moment is to continue to reach more members of the community and show them that there is alternative to just going into a store, buying a plastic container with soap, and tossing it when you’re finished. In the near future, I would love to expand on the educational side of what we do. 


Q: How can our readers find you?


H: Wed/Fri: 11am-5pm

Sat/Sun: 10am-2pm

A: 2766 Park St., Suite 1, Jacksonville, FL 32205

IG: @shopjoyfull


For the ultimate shopping experience be sure to check out her new store! Interested in learning some sustainability tips + resources? Check out more from Lauren as we ask her to share her best tips on living in a way that’s better for the planet!


Megan Atkin