Our Favorite Self-Improvement Books, Podcasts & Apps Lately


Self-improvement is always on our minds! Every day, we try to be 1% better than yesterday, because that small daily change compounds into incredible wins and progression over time.

Our team rounded up a few helpful tools to inspire you in your journey forward. This list has something for everyone!!

book - Atomic Habits

Atomic Habits by James Clear

If you feel stuck in a rut or just want to level up your life (business or personal), this book is a must-read. You’ll learn simple and realistic ways to turn any desired behavior into second nature.

James Clear does a great job explaining how high-performing people simply have better systems in place to keep them on track. It’s a super light read, but is chock-full of valuable information!

Podcast - The Skinny Confidential Him & Her Podcast

The Skinny Confidential Him & Her Podcast

We LOVE this podcast because it has a little bit of everything—listen to incredible leaders in health & wellness, learn from all different types of entrepreneurs, and discover resources to level up your own life and productivity.

Hosts Lauryn & Michael do an incredible job asking thoughtful questions of each guest to ensure their audience learns as much as possible. Episodes are released every Tuesday and Thursday, so there’s always something new!

Book - I will Teach You To Be Rich

I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi

This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to gain more confidence and clarity around their personal finances. Instead of approaching money from the lens of fear and guilt, Sethi frames finances in a way that is exciting—learning how to create financial freedom so that you can spend MORE on what’s important to you.

Learn incredibly simple and effective ways to AUTOMATE your savings so you never have to think about it again. Plus, he even provides scripts to help you negotiate better deals when speaking with banks, credit card companies, and more.

App- Habit Tracker

The Habit Tracker App

Organization and systemization are the keys to lasting success. This app makes it easier than ever to set up your day and make sure the things that are most essential are getting done.

Customize your daily habits based on your goals, and pop in throughout the day to check them off. Hoping to get 10k steps in each day? Add it to the list! Need to make a few more cold calls each day? Make sure you add it in, and you’ll find it’s easier than ever to hold yourself accountable to your goals.

Megan Atkin