Brighter Days — Experiencing Change + Making the Most of Life During a Pandemic

I know I walked into 2020 with rose-colored glasses on. With a skip in my step. Ready. How many of us had different plans entering this new decade? With the “Corona” not part of it.

In light of what’s happening in the world right now with COVID-19, my hope is that we have brighter days ahead. Even though the health crisis is temporary, it’s a scary time. Many of us are experiencing blurred days, doses of uncertainty and wearing multiple hats. Who knew in-person interaction would quickly be replaced with long digital days of IG Live chats/workouts, Zoom meetings/webinars and FaceTime dates. The lounge wear I would casually throw on has now become my stylish staple that’s on repeat as my weekly #ootd, which I’m not necessarily mad about. However, I have made it a point lately to wear a beautiful dress to feel “dressed” if you know what I mean?!

Photo by: @wanaktek via Twenty20

Photo by: @wanaktek via Twenty20

Quarantine life has made me grateful for all the technology at our finger-tips, which is definitely helping me stay sane. The simplest things are bringing me so much joy - whether it’s a workout, experimenting in the kitchen or reading that book I have not had the time to read. Just sitting outside and enjoying the fresh air brings me peace. The social day-to-day experiences feel like a distant memory - happy hour, what is that anymore? My 2020 highlight so far has been saying “adios” to my quarantine hair after seeing my stylist at the salon for the first time in months. I know many of you can relate.

The closures, furloughs and layoffs caused by the pandemic have been heartbreaking. Retail, hospitality and tourism industries have been hit the hardest. In different parts of the world, businesses are slowly reopening and society is navigating through the infancy stage of defining a “new normal”. Although there’s movement, there is still a lot of unknown. The road map to recovery is still being created.

When uncertainty hits, it makes it difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Especially with something like this that feels like there is no end in sight. It can bring fear and anxiety to an ultimate high. Then you look around to see that the people closest to you are healthy and safe, you have a roof over your head and dinner on the table, and you become overwhelmed with gratitude and peace of mind.

Everyone experiences change differently. There’s no right or wrong way. Some days will be better than others. It might take some time to shift your mindset but I have recognized, when you do, it allows you to soak in the little things, connect and grow. Diving deeper into the areas that need to be poked and given some attention.

The silver lining has brought me all the feels! Witnessing our country come together in such an unprecedented strange time has been nothing short of amazing. To those that are on the front lines to provide service and protect our lives-you are the unicorns and heroes! The amount of collaboration and support happening between industries has been pretty incredible. Humanity, creativity and resiliency are shining bright and will continue to be permanent fixtures in our future. Never take for granted quality time spent with loved ones. Embrace the present moment!

Let’s continue to stick together and do our part. Wear the rose-colored sunnies! Take time to unplug. This too shall pass.



“When you have a bad day-take a break. It’s OK to feel overwhelmed. This experience is all about peaks and valley’s and how you manage them. It’s important to treat yourself with kindness in the valleys so you can get back to the peaks more quickly.” —Lauren Bosworth

Megan Atkin