Story-Tell: Sitting Down with the Founders of Lola Chiq + The Accessory Bar


Welcome to EL’s “Story-tell” series! Our goal is to provide our readers with perspective on company culture, brand growth and overall experience as an entrepreneur. From scrappy beginnings to today — it’s time to be inspired!

Our team is so excited to kick-off our collaboration with two talented sisters, Maria and Marietta Mercado, the founders of a couple of our favorite woman-owned boutiques — Lola Chiq and The Accessory Bar, located in Downtown Palm Beach Gardens in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. These two are a force and are so kind to share their perspective through our Q + A. Let’s get to it!

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Q: First off, how are you and your family doing during the pandemic?

A: While Covid-19 has definitely presented its challenges, we are blessed to enjoy good health and be able to make the necessary adjustments in order to continue our work. The safety of our employees and clients are still very much our top priority.


Q: Tell us about your entrepreneurial journey and how it has led to where you are today.

A: We both came from corporate backgrounds (corporate law and media marketing). However, we both knew we had entrepreneurial spirit and identified a need in our market for chic, attainable fashion. During our first year we ran a home-based business — inviting people to come to shopping parties, getting involved in every bazaar, girl’s night or shopping event in our area which allowed us to create a solid client base.

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Q: How long did it take you to find the perfect location for your business and what was the determining factor on landing at Downtown Palm Beach Gardens? How long have you been in business there?

A: We learned about the opportunity at Downtown Palm Beach Gardens through our growing client base and solid network we built in our first year. At the time, we had no brick and mortar experience, but our landlord saw potential in us and our concept. Shortly thereafter, the Landlord offered us a space to establish our brand; within 2 years we had outgrown our space and were ready for expansion. Downtown Palm Beach Gardens has been our home for the past 9 years! The shopping center is currently in the process of being redeveloped and revitalized, which we are very excited about.


Q: With the current climate with COVID-19, what are some business challenges you are facing right now?

A: The biggest challenges we are facing is our supply chain and our inability to have face-to-face contact with our suppliers and vendors. There is also an obvious decrease in sales with the lack of traffic due to customers health concerns during the pandemic.


Q: What have you done to pivot your business over the years and specifically in 2020, will those “pivots” continue into the “new normal”?

A: Stay-at-home orders required us to close our locations for two months, immediately forcing us to pivot to an online platform putting all our efforts into digital advertising. We started doing virtual events and relying more on collaborations. Recently, we have started IG Live series every Wednesday at 5 PM, where we showcase some of the week’s new arrivals. They are so fun!


Q: You have such an eye for finding unique pieces, how do you and your team typically navigate through fashion trends and the buying process? Has the buying experience changed with the pandemic from an inventory and consumer perspective?

A: We have adapted our buying process by relying on the long-standing relationships with our suppliers. It’s important for both of us to be involved in the buying process to ensure consistency on receiving high-quality product from our suppliers, which provides comfort in knowing we can trust that the material and quality of their product will make our work a little easier.

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Q: When was the a-ha moment you realized that you were ready to expand the Lola Chiq brand into accessories with the launch of The Accessory Bar? Was it a natural progression? Were you nervous?

A: The expansion of our brand into The Accessory Bar was a result of a collaboration with our leasing partner ShopCore Properties. In November 2018, ShopCore had recently launched an ancillary leasing business and offered us the opportunity to open The Accessory Bar as a short-term, 6-month pop-up. We loved the idea of getting involved in a new project, which for us has turned into a successful 2-year venture! We have always enjoyed the accessory market. Accessories have the power to completely transform a look or an outfit; we knew right away we had great vendors and products that could support a new storefront concept. Our goal has always been to become a one-stop shop. The Accessory Bar has allowed us to be able to expand our accessory offerings to test the market. Our long-term goal is to continue The Accessory Bar as a brand in itself, whether in its own brick and mortar or within Lola Chiq.


Q: In 3 words how would you describe each of your brands?

A: Three words to describe our brands are curated, on-trend and accessible.


Q: What words of wisdom have you received, professionally and personally? What advice would you give yourself now if you had to start all over?

A: “The best way out is always through.” — Robert Frost.

When it comes to words of wisdom — we firmly believe in facing every challenge head-on and things usually will sort themselves out.


Q: With running multiple businesses, how do you keep a work-life balance and what helps with stress?

A: Keeping a work-life balance is definitely a challenge in the retail business. Retail is a consuming business and we firmly believe you have to be present in order to provide the experience that you want for your customer. Luckily, we have formed so many relationships through collaborations and some of our clients relationships have turned into friendships. Quality time is usually spent with our families, friends and being active in volunteering our time to different causes.


Q: Inquisitive minds want to know, what is next for you and your brands?

A: Our focus right now is primarily in rebuilding our store sales. We hope a new wave of traffic will be brought with the Downtown Palm Beach Gardens renovation. Our ultimate goal is to make an investment in updating our space to offer our clients a fresh new look to coincide with the beautiful improvements and vibe of the shopping center.


Q: How can our readers find you?

W: Lola Chiq + The Accessory Bar

P: 561.630.7776

A: 11701 Lake Victoria Gardens Ave, #7110, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410

IG: @lolachiq and @shopaccessorybar


As long-term customers, we are incredibly grateful to have had this opportunity to share Maria and Marietta’s entrepreneurial journey, as they’ve showed us that anything is possible.

If you are not local to Palm Beach Gardens, do not sweat! The Lola girls ship domestically to a house near you! ;)

For some style inspo check out this post and support local!


Megan Atkin